Boldog születésnapot, ‘Důkaz mi dej’ és ‘Huascarán’!

I was going to re-blog what I’d written at ‘Bananas For Breakfast’ half-a-decade beforehand to celebrate the Forty-Eighth Anniversary of the recording of ‘Pokloň se, lásko’ (‘Love, Take A Bow’) and the Forty-Third Anniversary of the recording of ‘Žádný ptáčník nemá křídla’ (‘No Birdwatcher Has No Wings’) yesterday but discovered that that post of May 2017 had already been re-blogged.

Today is the Forty-Ninth Anniversary of the recordings of ‘Důkaz mi dej’ (‘Prove It To Me’) and ‘Huascarán’, the recording session that marked the beginning of the brief collaboration of Valinka with Skupina Svatopluka Čecha (The Svatopluk Čech Group) at the Mozarteum recording studio at the heart of that almost incredible year in Valinka’s recording career of 1973 and I note that – almost as incredibly – the ‘Bananas For Breakfast’ Blog post of this time five years ago in the formative stages of the Blog has still not been re-blogged, so here it is accordingly re-blogged in celebration of that anniversary.

Again, as in the case of yesterday’s post, the YouTube videos of ‘Důkaz mi dej’ and ‘Huascarán’ together with all the recording details and credits are embedded at that post, so there’s no need to do the usual linking-off to the ‘Valérie Čižmárová: A Life In Sound’ page of ‘Bananas For Breakfast’. They’re also complete with the lyrics, respectively by František Klečka and Petr Markov.

Athough ‘Huascarán’ carried on the slow ballad theme of both ‘Pokloň se, lásko’ and ‘Žádný ptáčník nemá křídla’ ‘Důkaz mi dej’ took the tempo up a notch or three for this anniversary!

'Bananas For Breakfast' - Fan Blog for Valérie ('Valinka') Čižmárová

Yesterday, two Valérie Čižmárová recording ‘birthdays’ were separated by a matter of half a decade. Today, we have another two, but this time separated by just one year…and remarkably, those recordings ended up on either side of the same disc, making it a perhaps unique instance of the recording of one side of a 45 being separated by such a margin of time from the recording of the other (see below for a ‘health warning’ on this information). Furthermore, there could not be much of a greater contrast between those two songs.

I will start with the first of these sides, then work back one year, commencing with a series of photos of the architecturally very pleasing recording venue for both, (Mozarteum, Jungmannova, Prague, designed by Jan Kotěra), which I visited back in January. In the first of these, Mozarteum is the red-roofed building on the right-hand side, to the…

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